
ISC West 2024 (Team)

March 07, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Steve Prodger, CRO, Arcules. Bob Shanes, Business Development Manager, Arcules. Maureen Carlo, Global Director of Strategic Partnerships, Arcules. Greg Skarvelis, Principal Solutions Architect, Arcules. Julie McGregor, Director of Customer Experience, Arcules. Mike Perkins, Vice President of Sales, Arcules. Eric Olson, Product Marketing Manager, Arcules. Charles Aeh, Principal Strategic Alliances, Arcules. Cindy Chang, Senior Director of Product, Arcules. Alex Knapik, Senior Product Manager, Arcules

Steve Prodger: Hi, it's Steve Prodger here, Chief Revenue Officer for Arcules and I am excited about ISC West again this year.

Julie McGregor: Hey guys, it's Julie. I'm the Director of Customer Experience here at Arcules and I have the best job here at the company because I get to work with our partners and our customers every single day.

Bob Shanes: I am Bob Shanes, the Business Development Manager at Arcules.

Maureen Carlo: Hi, I'm Maureen Carlo, Global Director of Strategic Partnerships with Arcules.

Mike Perkins: Hi, I'm Mike Perkins. I'm the Vice President of Sales here at Arcules.

Eric Olson: I'm Eric Olson, Product Marketing Manager here at Arcules.

Greg Skarvelis: Hey there, this is Greg Skarvels, Principal Solutions Architect for Arcules.

Cindy Chang: Hi, my name is Cindy and I'm the Head of Product for Arcules.

What are you most looking forward to at ISC West?

Julie McGregor: It's just an incredible experience to meet people, shake their hand, give them a hug. You know, and just get to know them in real life. So for me, even though there's a ton of other really cool things that I'm looking forward to, that's, if you ask me, my number one. Numero uno, I can't wait to meet you in real life.

Charles Aeh: What I'm most excited to see this year at ISC West is the impact that cloud is having on our entire industry.

Cindy Chang: So what am I most excited about at ISC West this year? Shameless plug. I'm actually going to be involved in a round table discussion for SIA on April 9th. We will be talking about "What is Decision Intelligence and What the Heck Does it Have to Do With the Security Industry?" And so hopefully I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

Why is ISC West a must attend event?

Julie McGregor: 100% for the experience.

Greg Skarvelis: ISC West is a great place to get your finger on the pulse of the trends going on in the physical security technology industry.

Alex Knapik: And when I think of ISC West, in my career, my life in security, I think of ISC West as The Great Security Get Together.

Steve Prodger: The ISC West event is by far the best event for any new person as well as those that have been going for years to show up and be seen and really just get a chance to understand what's going on in the industry and see all the new things that are coming out.

Eric Olson: There is no better place to learn about new technologies in the security world. Meet people who are making that technology happen and get all your questions answered. If you can only go to one show this year, ISC West is really the one you need to attend.

Mike Perkins: Change is happening at a rapid pace in our industry. Technology is driving that and there's a lot of data that you'll be able to find, to help make good decisions for your assignment back at your company.

Charles Aeh: Say hello to us, say hello to your fellow colleagues in the industry, learn a little bit, laugh a little bit and then of course, talk about it at the end of the day over cocktails.

Produced with Vocal Video