
Ross Clennett - recruiters need to be competitive

April 04, 2024

Video Transcript

You've gotta be someone who's motivated by results because recruitment is binary. You either fill the job or you don't fill the job. Like, there's no halfway filling the job here and when you don't fill the job, it's gotta hurt cos you don't get paid for the work if you don't fill it. And if you're someone who's like: "Ah, you win some, you lose some." It's like, nah, you're not gonna make it as an agency recruiter. It's gotta hurt. You've gotta wanna fill the job. It's gotta hurt when you lose, you gotta be determined not to lose the job next time. Not with a view to, you know, being unethical or anything like that. But it's just that level of drive, that high standard that you have for yourself in generating results is there. Now, you can't train that into someone basically, like someone's either competitive or they're not, you can't develop competitiveness. Maybe at the margins, but either people have that competitive drive or they don't.

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