
Ross Clennett - characteristics of a high-performing team 16:9

April 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Well, there's really three core elements that are a function of leadership. So firstly, you've gotta set expectations, you've gotta have clear expectations. In other words, results, activities, behavior, those have to be clear for everyone, everyone has to know their role. And as you would have heard from Ben Darwin at the recent RCSA Conference when you get that right? You have cohesion and I have been fortunate to have been part of a high performing team and we absolutely had that cohesion. So, that's the first element. The second is accountability and it's not just accountability to the person who leads the team, but accountability to yourself and to your colleagues. To be someone that, for example, if there's a team meeting at 8am, that you're concerned to be there at 7.59. Not to be like, ah it doesn't really matter if I arrive at 8.03, like, you know what the hell. It's like being accountable for. If we have a culture of, we start team meetings at eight o'clock, then I'm gonna be there at eight o'clock. So, everyone has that degree of accountability. People tend to think of accountability as something that a leader does to you. And of course, there is an element of that, but it really starts with personal accountability. Feeling that you want to uphold the standards of the team, cos you're proud to be part of that team. And then the third element really is the motivation to be better, no matter where you are, striving to be better. Always looking for those small things that you can do as an individual and as a team to be better. So, those are the three things that I see as the components of a high performing team.

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