Harry Chambers, Darren Cottrell: So, really when you're calculating your margin, you really wanna consider your on-cost first, right? So, your on-cost, you want to make sure you're covering all your costs. So, your costs are: your payroll tax, your insurances, your work cover and your admin. And one thing that a lot of agencies forget are the payment terms. So, when you're negotiating your payment terms. So, whether you negotiate 7, 14, 30 days, you should take that into account, because you're funding the payroll as well. So, if you negotiate 7 day payment payment terms, you want to increase your margin. So, you want payroll tax, insurances, work cover and a little bit of buffering for admin. You take into account the cost of funding the payroll for how long that's gonna be funded for. And then you wanna plus your margin on top of that. So, a lot of people forget about that. You want your on-cost, plus your margin. So, how much do you wanna make thereafter? I think that's such a key point. A lot of people just factor in on-costs and we're good to go. It's margin on top of that. You need to be taking something home too. You're making a placement for a reason.