Greg Savage: First of all, do it because if there is a market there for you in your niche, adding a temporary business, if you do it properly will add immeasurable resilience and sustainability and profitability to your business. The second thing is ask yourself why you're doing it. And what I mean by that is don't let the tail wag the dog. Don't just wake up and say, "Hey, it's a good idea to do temp." We're in architecture recruitment. Let's do temp. The question is, does it exist there? Do your research. And allied to that, the biggest piece of advice for people getting into temp, especially when they've been in permanent is don't dabble. People do. They say "we'll get our permanent consultants to do a bit of temp." Don't bother, unless you're gonna do it properly. And you got to go in with the right knowledge, the right skills, the right processes and the right resources. And set them up before you start, because temp is far more complex, far more risky and absorbs far more resources than permanent and money.