Anyone who has run a temp or perm or dual desk. You've got to use that task system. You need to be reminded, you are, especially myself getting older. You can't remember everything. Like, you need to have those systems in place. So, using a decent CRM. What CRM did you choose? JobAdder Look, I probably back when I was working for an agency, I didn't have the best relationship with it and I didn't use it to the ability. It's funny when you start paying for something yourself, how much you use it. And I hold my hands up to that. I'd recently switched to a different CRM and realised how good and easy JobAdder was and how, especially tailored the way that I operate. It is very quick. It's very simple. It's very easy, so that we, we're spending good money on, obviously, you know, getting a photographer for the website. Because, we just, it was like we're serious about this. So, it was just like, you know, you've got to spend money to make money as they say. And, you know, yeah, we didn't want to really cut any corners. There's things where you can be smarter but was like we're gonna do this, let's bloody do it properly. And we're really confident that it's gonna work.