
APositive Insights: Greg Savage - 100 Cups of Coffee

April 03, 2024

Video Transcript

Greg Savage: One of my big bits of advice for people trying to lead and scale is you should have a 100 cups of coffee strategy. Do you know what that is? Of course, you don't, that's why you got me here. 100 cups of coffee is based on the philosophy and the belief that you should be recruiting even if you're not hiring. What I mean by that is just because you have no vacancies. Often what happens is the owner of recruitment company says: "I'm full, I'm full, I'm good. I'm not hiring." Well, I'm like, "That doesn't matter, that's good, but you should be recruiting." "What do you mean?", "Meet people." Every owner of a recruitment company, every leader should have 100 cups of coffee with prospective hires a year. That's two a week. But, if you want to scale your business, the only way you're gonna do it is through people. And if you're gonna get the best people, you've got to invest time in it and people are like: "I can't, I'm too busy" and I'm like, "Really? You want to grow your business and you're too busy to look at hiring people. I'm only asking for two hours a week." And you build up. So, you interview somebody who's a prospect. You like them. You have a good conversation and you say, you're very frank. You say: "We don't have any roles available now, but we are growing the best recruitment company in Australia. And want the best people. Let's talk." And most of the people are happy to do that. And then you keep in touch with them every 3 months and 6 months later, a year later, you hire them. Or you meet them. They're not right. You put a line through the name, put that to bed and keep going with your cups of coffee.

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