Well, diversifying the risk protects our people, right? And when for somebody that says, like we're safety first and we make sure, you know, the company. And that by the way, that's including myself, it's not totally selfless, right? I also want to build a company that protects me and everybody in that company. That's the power of a company in itself. Anyway, the company serves the people and the people serve the company and it's a two way street, myself included. And yeah, it's diversification covers that and especially if you pick what we do. I think it's difficult. It would have been a lot easier to just grow one space and, you know, cookie cut those roles and piggy back one desk off of another. So, you know, you have to find pillars, but I think we did a really good job at finding a few of the leads. And I think we had a bit of a roadmap of we want 4 subsectors and we don't want them all to be. So what are the 4 sectors you're in now? So we're in aged care, prof services, then construction and then manufacturing and trades.