
Experience with The Blissful Body Bootcamp

February 28, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Laura. Martina Werilly. Himanshu Parikh. Emily Brooks. . Kate Benson

What would you tell a friend about the Blissful Body Bootcamp?

Now that I finished the Blissful Body Bootcamp, I feel energized and motivated. I feel stronger. And I am amazed that 15 minutes can do so much for your body, for your mind, for your energy for the day. It makes me feel accomplished and happy and more at peace. And I have noticed definition and toning in just 15 minutes. It's so cool how quickly you can see yourself change and just get stronger. So I love, love the Boho Beautiful channel. It has completely changed my life.

Emily Brooks: If you want to feel stronger, if you want to feel more energized, then I would encourage you to join the Blissful Body Bootcamp. The Bootcamp will empower you and equip you with the tools that you need to bring your very best self to the mat and to the world.

Laura: Now that I have finished the Blissful Body Bootcamp, I feel hopeful. I have a lot of trouble with certain body parts, just have trouble getting them stronger. And this is the first time that I felt like I gained some ground, so I'm definitely going to do it again and I'm very grateful.

Himanshu Parikh: Hello. I have completed Blissful Body Bootcamp. And it was really very nice. Short, sweet, and somewhat exhausting, but I like it. And it was really very good. It was challenging short exercises, yoga flow, vinyasa flow, and it covers almost all parts... upper body, lower body, core strength, so I really loved it, and I want to do it again. Thank you.

Martina Werilly: Now that I finished Boho Beautiful's Blissful Body Bootcamp, I feel that my strength cut back after a long recovery, and I'm also kind of proud of my progress through this boot camp.

Kate Benson: now that I have finished the Blissful Body Bootcamp series, I feel tired but more importantly, I feel like I can now embrace all the possibilities that exist within me. I can now go out and become and look within to be the best version of myself. I don't feel clouded or bogged down, oh imprisoned by all the trappings of life. My body feels free when I breathe, it feels like there's room for my breath to flow freely and I'm inspired and encouraged to continue to move my body every day. I do yoga on and off have done for years, but since I've been following your series and dedicating myself to just those 15 minutes a day, I can really feel the difference and especially the importance of just showing up and creating that daily discipline and then just allowing the rest to flow, allowing and trusting the process that I will feel better, feel stronger, feel more capable and in a better place to pursue and become everything that I've always dreamed, um no longer clogged up free flowing and I will continue, I will go back and complete the series again and inter splice it with other bits of yoga that I love and feel the confidence to cultivate a daily practice that suits me and serves me and yeah, it all starts with that daily showing up. So, thank you for always reminding me to do that and for inspiring me and for pushing me to my limits and showing me that I have no limits that I can be and I can do. I'm free and I'm me, thank you.


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Produced with Vocal Video