
Zachary Van Dyke - VAP Testimonial

December 07, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Zachary Van Dyke , ABC Certified Veterinary Assistant

Zachary Van Dyke : I'm Zachary Van Dyke. I'm here to leave a review for animal behavior college. It's veterinary assistant program. They've been great. Always there to answer my questions. I've been a DS P working with people for the last 15 years and it's time to make a change.

Zachary Van Dyke : The reason I decided to join, uh the program that I did is because I've always been passionate about animals and I wanna do something to better their lives and to work with people as well and help them when they're struggling or having an issue with their animal and they need help.

Zachary Van Dyke : My favorite part of being with animal behavior College has been the amount that I learn and just the open availability of knowledge um to better myself as not only person who's passionate about animals, but also somebody who is interested in getting into the animal care field.

Produced with Vocal Video