
Marie Wright - DOP Testimonial

December 07, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Marie Wright, ABC Dog Training Student

Marie Wright: Hi, I'm Marie Wright and I'm currently in the dog obedience training program. And I just wanted to say that it has been a very straightforward, easy process and rolling was very easy. I have just finished my stage one exam and it went very smoothly. Um, the papers are very easy to read and understand and the people were very nice, answered all my questions very informatively. I would definitely recommend them to anybody who was looking into, uh, animal loving college.

Marie Wright: Um, I would recommend animal behavior college to anybody who is looking because it is self paced, um, easy to understand and you have a lot of people on your side to help you out throughout this whole process. And also, you know, to get you to your dream of whatever you may wanna do.

Marie Wright: My favorite part of ABC has been, um, that it is self paced and I don't have any pressure to, um, you know, of course there's exam dates but I don't have any pressure to have, you know, eight hours a day. Um, I can continue doing my normal life things while also being a college student, which I love. Um, and also just the people that are there to help you.

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