
Now that I am an ABC Dog Trainer

June 13, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Mika Hamm, ABC Certified Dog Trainer. Jennifer Gray, ABC Certified Dog Trainer. Debra Elliott, Certified ABC Dog Trainer. Vicki Nickeson, ABC Certified Dog Trainer

Mika Hamm: Now that I've graduated from ABC, I am working at my own dog training business. I am also currently working on, completing the cat training program so that I can incorporate it with my dog training business. Because I think that, you know, so many households have dogs and cats together. so I want to be knowledgeable in cat behavior as well.

Vicki Nickeson: Now that I've graduated animal behavior college, I have my own personal, business. I do group classes and private classes and I'm also studying to be a service dog trainer right now.

Jennifer Gray: Now that I am a graduate of Animal Behavior College, I own and run sunny day acres, which is a large boarding and training facility and rescue shelter. And I am presently also taking the certification for the Service Dog training program.

Debra Elliott: So now that I've graduated the Animal Behavior College, I'm an independent contractor. I have my own company, Tattoo Lady dog training. But as an independent contractor, I do work for Dogs on the Run and I work for Particularly Perfect. I teach obedience. I teach agility, rally scent work. I'm on the go constantly so I'm just, I'm loving life. I'm out there. I'm doing what I've always wanted to do. Thank you, Animal Behavior College.

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