
Matthew Harkwell for Anderson College of Business and Computing DEIB Video Projects Video Testimonials

April 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Matthew Harkwell , Student; Innovator

Your Name, what brought you to Regis?

Matthew Harkwell : Hi, I'm Matthew Harkwell. I came to Regis for the location, the Jesuit education, and the prestige that the university has.

Chose a word to describe yourself. (e.g., innovator, leader, immigrant, etc.) Why did you choose this word?

Matthew Harkwell : I choose innovator as the best way to describe me. Chose this word, uh, because I'm a very creative person, I think outside the box, I'm always looking for a new way to do something or do something better than it's been done before, more efficiently, more cost effectively.

How does that word fit with your experience at Anderson College of Business and Computing?

Matthew Harkwell : I think as an innovator and trying to relate it to my experience at Anderson College of Business, I don't think the two go hand-in-hand. Unfortunately, I feel that Anderson College of Business has probably only held me back in my success and possibilities I have, as a student, having friends that go to other universities in the state, nearby, the opportunities they have available to them at larger schools with, um, programs that have significantly more funding and are not starved. Um, have a lot more opportunity for growth and exploration than I have had here, that has made me realize how much there is in the world to go get, and that it's not always left on a platter for you. If I had to do it again, I probably would go elsewhere.

Produced with Vocal Video