
Gavin Klein for Anderson College of Business and Computing DEIB Video Projects Video Testimonials

April 16, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Gavin Klein, Student; Leader

Your Name, what brought you to Regis?

Gavin Klein: My name is Gavin Klein. I decided to come to Regis this year, because when I visited, I instantly fell in love with the campus and the people around it, and I really, uh, like the golf team coaches.

Chose a word to describe yourself. (e.g., innovator, leader, immigrant, etc.) Why did you choose this word?

Gavin Klein: I would call myself a leader. Um, I'm always trying to make people, other people better. I'm always trying to make myself better, and just like, lead people in the right direction.

How does that word fit with your experience at Anderson College of Business and Computing?

Gavin Klein: I feel like that word has described my year a lot, just within classes, uh, outside of classes, I feel like with group projects, sometimes you gotta take the lead and to lead people in the right direction, and just outside of class, sometimes you gotta be the leader and steer people in the right direction.

Produced with Vocal Video