
Cordon Lance Vidger for Anderson College of Business and Computing DEIB Video Projects Video Testimonials

April 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Cordon Lance Vidger, Student; Dedicated

Your Name, what brought you to Regis?

Cordon Lance Vidger: Hi, my name is Gordon Vidger and I decided to come to Regis for a multitude of reasons. Uh, firstly, I decided to come to Regis because of the atmosphere with the faculty. Um, the staff at Regis University is some of the most professional and well trained individuals who truly care about all of their student body, as well as the class sizes being extremely small, which allows me to have a lot of one-on-one time and participate a lot in class, which is extremely beneficial for my overall uh, studying experience. Secondly, I decided to come to Regis, because I was in love with the campus. I thought the campus was extremely beautiful and I really liked being able to walk in the quad, um, from building to building, and look around and really feel like I was on a college campus. Um, and it really allowed me to have that immersive sense of being in the environment, where everything is tailored to making sure that you are successful in your studies as is possible. And then the third reason why I decided to come to Regis, is because of the people. Um, the people at Regis are some of the most accepting and kind individuals that you will ever encounter. Um, they really embody the Jesuit message and, and try to be as graceful and kind to all newcomers as possible, and that's something that I really experienced when I first went to Regis. I discovered a lot of new friends and a lot of people were just waiting to have you join in, um, in their groups when you're in class, um, or at lunch, and a lot of them are super, super nice. I've actually never had a bad experience on campus, uh, with anybody, um, because the environment is just so welcoming. Um, and so those are the top three reasons why I came to Regis. Um, and then, you know, not necessarily, uh, just at Regis, but I am a religious person. Um, and obviously that plays a role in wanting to go to a religious institution um, as a Presbyterian Protestant, um, I wanted to, uh, learn more about uh, Catholicism and Christianity as a whole. Um, and so I decided that, um, going to Regis was gonna be, uh, the right move for me. And so, uh, moving forward, um, I'm gonna be graduating in December. Um, and my experience at Regis overall has been absolutely fantastic, and I would highly recommend it to anybody, uh, seriously considering attending Regis, um, because it is seriously a wonderful institution, with the most welcoming people. Um, and it's, it's, it's a really good spot. So, thanks for listening to my story and why I wanted to come to Regis. Thank you.

Chose a word to describe yourself. (e.g., innovator, leader, immigrant, etc.) Why did you choose this word?

Cordon Lance Vidger: If I had to pick one word to describe myself, I would pick the word dedicated. I am dedicated to, uh, many different things in my life. Um, but first and foremost, uh, I have a commitment to, uh, my faith, God. Um, secondly, I have a commitment to my family, my mom, my dad, uh, my sisters, uh, my girlfriend, and all of my friends, um, to be a good person, a compassionate person, um, and be a good friend for them, good family member, good boyfriend. Um, thirdly, I'm dedicated to my studies with school, um, as a graduating college student, uh, very soon, um, it's very important to me that I graduate with a high GPA, um, and set myself up for success in the future. Um, and that would be, um, another thing that I am dedicated to, which would be, um, my future, um, and working towards what I consider to be a personal success, um, in my life, which would be, um, to start a career, start a family, um, and find success in that way.

How does that word fit with your experience at Anderson College of Business and Computing?

Cordon Lance Vidger: So, like I just elaborated in, in my last, uh, segment. Um, I've been extremely dedicated to my studies at Anderson College of Business and Computing. Uh, I'm about to graduate in December, and as such, uh, I have found it necessary to take more classes than, um, is normally, um, considered, you know, your average class load. Um, I'm taking 21 credit hours and then next semester, I'll be taking 24 credit hours. Um, and that's because I'm dedicated to finishing my studies and a, uh, what I consider to be a time frame that I've set for myself. Um, and although it's extremely difficult, uh, and takes up a significant portion of my time in order to achieve the results that I want to achieve in all of my classes, I think that it's necessary, in order for me to be successful in my life. And so that dedication to, um, being as responsible as I possibly can be, as diligent as I can be, in doing my homework, my projects, and studying for my exams, um, it's all, you know, it's all paid off. Um, but I would say that the dedication is, is a prerequisite for, for doing the things that I'm, that I'm currently doing. Um, you know, you can't really take 21 credit hours and, and expect to do good if you're not dedicated to your studies. Um, and so that's, that's the way that, that word would fit into my experience at Anderson College of Business and Computing.

Produced with Vocal Video