
David Bauman for Anderson College of Business and Computing DEIB Video Projects Video Testimonials

April 16, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: David Bauman, Professor; Servant Leader

Your Name, what brought you to Regis

David Bauman: My name is David Bauman, and, uh I graduated with a PhD later in life after being in corporations for a long time. And, so what brought me to Regis was, it was my first job after getting my PhD, and also I really liked, um, the small department feel and the opportunity to do a lot of creative things.

Chose a word to describe yourself. (e.g., innovator, leader, immigrant, etc.) Why did you choose this word?

David Bauman: I see myself as a servant and also a leader, which means that, um, I try to take on things that maybe other people don't want to do. At the same time, these are things that I hope will grow the faculty and the students, and create a more vibrant, innovative place.

How does that word fit with your experience at Anderson College of Business and Computing?

David Bauman: So servant leader fits with my experience at Anderson, I think, like I said, because there are opportunities to help students try new things, to help faculty, uh, try new things and to encourage people to step outside of their boundaries and reach their potential.

Produced with Vocal Video