
Spencer Zieske for Anderson College of Business and Computing DEIB Video Projects Video Testimonials

April 16, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Spencer Zieske , Student; Explorative

Your Name, what brought you to Regis?

Spencer Zieske : My name is Peter Zieske. I'm a student at Anderson, so my first year at Regis, and I chose to become, to, chose to come to Regis for, I have a multitude of reasons, but with the main one being that I would be able to actually develop relationships with my professors. Um being able to talk to your professors and being able to communicate with them is something I find really special because the professors are people that don't really gone through the same things that we go through as college students, but overcome a lot of the same obstacles that we over that we're having to overcome every day as college students. So being able to really connect with professors and being able to develop relationships, relationships with them is really special and that's something that I've been able to find here. at Regis.

Chose a word to describe yourself. (e.g., innovator, leader, immigrant, etc.) Why did you choose this word?

Spencer Zieske : Uh a word I'll choose to describe myself with uh is explorative. I use that word because I've always been someone that's interested in a number of different things and is interested in doing a number of different things, but someone that has never really stuck to one thing, um never been able to really commit to one thing. So, and it's been a good thing and a bad thing. But I've always just enjoyed exploring things, you know, a part of it stems from the fact that I haven't been able to stick to some things, but a part of it is that I really just enjoy trying different things and exploring different realms of learning. Um and just of life in general. So explorative is the word I would use to describe myself.

How does that word fit your experience at Anderson College of Business and Computing?

Spencer Zieske : That word explorative really fits well with my experience so far. Uh at Anderson, because every time I talk to one of my professors here at Anderson or even my advisors, I've gotten the sense that my story is never finished. And that no matter what uh decision I make regarding majors or classes, that regardless of whether I make the wrong decision, or the right decision that it doesn't really matter, because my, my, learning journey is never finished. And that really aids in my explorative, to my explorative personality ,because I am someone that doesn't really like to commit to things and being at a place where it's, it's, encouraged to explore, it's encouraged to step outside your comfort zone. Um is a place that I've been able to really fit into and it's been really applicable to me.

Produced with Vocal Video