
Lauren Isabella for Anderson College of Business and Computing DEIB Video Projects Video Testimonials

April 16, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Lauren Isabella , Student; Determined

Your Name, what brought you to Regis?

Lauren Isabella : My name is Lauren Isabella. I came to Regis because it is a very small, close knit community and everybody here is so welcoming. Um, and because it's so small, everything is so easily accessible, especially in Anderson. Um, all the professors have small classes and they're so easy to communicate with, and they're so welcoming and friendly.

Chose a word to describe yourself. (e.g., innovator, leader, immigrant, etc.) Why did you choose this word?

Lauren Isabella : A word I would use to describe myself is determined. I think once I put my mind to something, I'm very set on getting that done and I'm a very hard worker as well.

How does that word fit with your experience at Anderson College of Business and Computing?

Lauren Isabella : The word determined fits in with the experience of the Anderson College of Business, because you have to be very determined to get to your classes and to get your work done, and to stay on top of your schedule and everything going on within Anderson.

Produced with Vocal Video