
Braden Boivin for Anderson College of Business and Computing DEIB Video Projects Video Testimonials

April 16, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Braden Boivin, Student; Leader

Your Name, what brought you to Regis?

Braden Boivin: My name is Braden Boivin, and what really brought me to Regis was how close and tight knit the community was, and how everybody seems to know everybody when you're on campus and hanging out.

Chose a word to describe yourself. (e.g., innovator, leader, immigrant, etc.) Why did you choose this word?

Braden Boivin: If I had to choose one word to describe myself, I would call myself a leader. Being the oldest in my family, I was always expected to lead my siblings to work to their fullest potential. And I try to carry that into my work as a student by taking initiative and group projects and helping my teammates whenever they need it.

How does that word fit with your experience at Anderson College of Business and Computing?

Braden Boivin: Like I said before, I try to carry my role as a leader within the classroom setting by taking initiative in group projects and helping out my group mates. However, leadership in the classroom means much more to me, because being a leader in the classroom is far more than leading a group project. But being a leader means being present both physically and mentally in class, doing your homework, showing up, participating. All of those things are what make a good leader, and I think that I tried to exemplify this as best as I can.

Produced with Vocal Video