

August 08, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: LAURA NESBIT UMANSKY, Laura U Design Collective

LAURA NESBIT UMANSKY: Hi there. I'm Laura Husky. I am the founder and CEO of the Lara U design collective. We're based in Houston, Texas and Aspen Colorado and I'm also the co-founder of Design Dash.

LAURA NESBIT UMANSKY: This year at GATHER, I'll be speaking about finding your next best hire. So growing your design firm through hiring the right way, uh finding your best focus, making that hire the steps to get there as well as how to delegate for success.

LAURA NESBIT UMANSKY: I am really looking forward to meeting new people, to networking with my colleagues and my peers and really just having all of us together in, in one place to help the design industry thrive.

LAURA NESBIT UMANSKY: I hope to see you in LA in August for the ASID GATHER conference.

Produced with Vocal Video