The AAOS 2024 meeting is going to be February 12th to the 16th in San Francisco. The Annual Meeting is perhaps the most energetic time of the year in terms of bringing together so many different options of orthopaedics. If you want to come to one meeting and see everything you need to come to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and that's why I come every year. Everybody thinks this is THE meeting to come and find out what's what. I think, what I'm most excited about for 2024 is I finally see that we are back, and it's just fantastic. The interaction that you get by being in person something you'll never get while you're online. The only way to do it is to be here in person at the Academy. Included with your registration. You have all the symposia, OrthoDome, video theaters, the posters, the poster tours. Tthere are tons of opportunities. So if you want to continue learning, I encourage you to come to San Francisco for more. San Francisco is my favorite Academy location. I love all the different things that the city has to offer in terms of places to visit. It has excellent food and great attractions nearby. It's one of the most beautiful spots. I'll probably take my kids. We'll probably go to the zoo. I'm also looking forward to having the meeting on Monday through Friday, as I think that that will be really outstanding to be able to preserve our weekend. San Francisco is a great place to visit. So I think it's going to be a better event and a wonderful learning experience for everyone.