
Nancy L. Holland Vision Board Testimonials

February 12, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nancy L. Holland

Why did you choose to attend?

Nancy L. Holland: Good evening. My name is Nancy Holland. The reason why I chose the event is because I want to start the new york the new year off, with intention being intentional about what I would like to work on this year. I stepped away from the event, feeling energized and inspired to to work on my visions for this year, which is to to work on my career and also my well being.

What was one of the most impactful takeaways for you?

Nancy L. Holland: The most impactful part of the event that I took away from was the the exercise with working with another sister, feeling the energy, filling their vibes while walking quietly and enjoying the scenery.

What makes this event different from others you’ve attended in the past?

Nancy L. Holland: This this event was different because you had quite a few interactions and exercises in addition to working on the vision board.

Produced with Vocal Video