
Kelly Brown for ALN Apartment Data Video Testimonials

April 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kelly Brown, Division President

Please introduce yourself, and tell us a little about how ALN Apartment Data has helped you do your job successfully.

Kelly Brown: Hi, I'm Kelly Brown with BGSF. I am based in St. Louis, Missouri. BGSF is a staffing and recruitment firm based in Plano, Texas. We service apartment communities all throughout the US. And ALN has been such an integrated partner of ours. I would say kind of the number one thing when I think about ALN and how ALN helps us do our job, it's all about connections and without all of the client data and property data that ALN works so hard to collect, we couldn't make near the connections that we make. And so whenever you're thinking about this industry, that is just the first thing that comes to mind. And so we really leverage a lot of the data to make sure that we know in all of the cities that we service, who we're connecting with company property updates, company updates, all of that definitely helps us do our job successfully. And then secondly, whenever I think about why I love ALN, we've been in a partnership with ALN for years, we've practically grown up together. So when I think about BG in all of the years that BG has grown, ALN has been right there along with us. So Laura and Brenda and the, and all of the team members with ALN have listened to every bit of feedback that we have had. They've used that feedback to both make changes to their own platform, which then helps us make changes to how we service clients. So if I had to say the number one reason that we love ALN is because they're a company that listens and is willing to change and grow based on what their client feedback is saying. And I just think that that's amazing and a sign of a true integrated partner. And then lastly, whenever I think about professionals, other professionals industry that may be thinking about using ALN, I would recommend just think about how you want to connect and how you might want to reach certain folks within the industry. You know, there is not a substitute here in the US for the amount of data that ALN collects. You all are passionate about it and you're also passionate about how clients are going to use the data. We've been heavily involved in our own systems and how we're using the data, our own systems. And ALN has partnered with us in so many ways to make sure that we're taking the investment we've made in partnering with ALN and using it in our day to day to maximize our own efficiencies and to connect with the most people possible. So, ALN, thank you! You all do an amazing job. And I'm so glad that I got to brag on some of the ways that we've partnered with you all through the years.

Produced with Vocal Video