
Justin for ALN Apartment Data Video Testimonials

April 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Justin Frost, Affinity Waste Solutions

Please introduce yourself, and tell us a little about how ALN Apartment Data has helped you do your job successfully.

Justin Frost: Hey, my name is Justin Frost with Affinity Waste Solutions - A K A, the trash man. And I'm here to let you know about our partnership with ALN. The most important thing that stands out with them that we love them for who they are is most importantly is their people, our relationships, and most importantly, their partnership, we trust them with their data delivering to our sales teams that help them strategically choose what they do every day that provides them the data that they need to help them be successful in a time management perspective. So, Team ALN, thank you for all that you do. Thanks for being a great business partner and we look forward to growing right alongside with you from now to the near future. Thank you and have a blessed day.

Produced with Vocal Video