
Partner Update - December 2022

December 15, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Stef Stylianou, Global Partner Manager, ALLOut Security

Stef Stylianou: Hello and welcome to your 2022 partner update. I just want to take this opportunity to say thanks for supporting ALLOut this year and share a few key highlights with you. So this year we've been able to refer approximately 25 of our customers back to the ALLOut partner network. Those customers do not already have an existing service provider collaboration in place and our partner network was able to help them with projects on JD upgrades and menu restructuring, security and segregation of duties and more permanent managed services contracts around the annual audit requirements and continuous role assignments with risk controls. Uh secondly, I just want to share that. There is a new partner success portal available to our network on the partner success portal. You can get your team or yourself to become a Certified ALLOut Project Professional, which is part of our new partner academy as well. Um and equally, I just want to mention to all our gold partners that if you are interested in driving some new business next year, please reach out to me. There are a lot of opportunities in the market at the moment and we'd love to hear from you and work out how we can do that together. Happy holidays and all the best for the new year.

Produced with Vocal Video