
Juan Sanchez for AIIM24 Speaker Introductions

January 26, 2024

Transitioning to the Cloud with Confidence: Inteleos' Journey to Box

Video Transcript

Speaker: Juan Sanchez, CIO, Inteleos

Juan Sanchez: Hey, everyone. My name is Juan Sanchez. I'm the CIO at Inteleos. I've been there for five years and as far as my role in information management in general as a CIO, I think it touches uh all sorts of aspects of this. Um in my career. In the past, I've been involved with information architecture development and other organizations uh with obviously database and file organization uh in, in the systems underlying all that. But uh certainly now as a CIO it runs the gamut all over the organization essentially, right? Everywhere we, we're keeping information and it needs to be organized and it needs to be findable

Juan Sanchez: for everyone. My session at the conference is titled Transitioning to the Cloud with Confidence Inteleos' Journey to Box. And as the title suggests, I'm gonna be talking about how Inteleous made the move to Box. And uh we eliminated all of our traditional uh file server storage mechanisms that we had relied on for years. And the legacy systems that we had in the session, I'm gonna go over sort of when this happened for us, which was right in 2020 as the pandemic was happening, and how I think that improved our chances of success. I'll go over some of the key features that Box offered and why we at Inteleous selected Box over some of the competitors like Google Cloud or Dropbox, et cetera, Onedrive. We're a Microsoft shop so we could have gone with Onedrive, but we didn't. So we'll talk a little bit about that. We'll cover some of the costs and security benefits that I think any of these cloud providers bring, I'll highlight some things around Box because it's the, the platform I'm most familiar with. And then finally, we, we'll talk about how moving to one of these providers really has helped us from a scalability and global reach perspective in our ability to share files anywhere in the world while adhering to some of those compliance regulations that you might find as you move around the planet and storing files. So I, I hope you'll join me for the session. I think it's going to be good. and practical.

Produced with Vocal Video