Speaker: Jerry Shakal, IT Administrator, Modern Industries
What problem was your company dealing with before partnering with AgileBlue?
Jerry Shakal: We were having a problem trying to keep our arms around everything that was going on in our environment, especially in the security arena. One day when I came in, I found out we had been hit with a an encrypting malware virus. And suddenly I was doing a lot of catch up in order to eradicate this bug. Since getting AgileBlue, I now have an opportunity to get a full night's rest because AgileBlue is watching over my environment 24/ 7/365 and we in the playbook that we are using. If Agile Blue sees a piece of malware that is going from one PC to another, it actually disconnects them from the network. This is, this is indispensable because we can, we can stop a malware attack in its tracks and evaluate and bring those individual boxes back up as needed. And it doesn't run rampant throughout the network. I encourage you to look at AgileBlue. And if you get the pro version, also add the node, nodeware, nodeware is, great for telling you where your vulnerabilities are and it's indispensable, think of it as a, as a, nessus, replacement. So, if you haven't, if you haven't done it, do it, check out a AgileBlue