
Scott Wallace - AYP Groups

June 18, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Scott Wallace, Auburn, California

Introduce yourself, and tell us about yourself (hobbies, faith, career, etc.).

Scott Wallace: Hi AYP! Scott Wallace here out in the beautiful outdoors of northern California. Uh, my degree is in communications and I've been a church secretary for the past six or seven years along with a host of many other fun things. Um, I love it to be outdoors, go on different, like, nature hikes and just enjoy being, just hanging out with friends and, you know, enjoying the wonderful outdoors in nature. So, yeah.

Describe how Adventist Young Professionals has been a blessing to you.

Scott Wallace: Advent Young Professionals has been such a blessing to me. I'm in two of the book clubs and I look truly look forward to them every single week. It is such an amazing time and experience just to meet new friends from and just experience just wonderful discussions from people all over the world. I highly recommend it, love, love, love.

What has been your favorite experience with AYP?

Scott Wallace: My favorite experience with AYP, will either have to be the AYP, small groups that they do every week or the annual convention. That is fantastic. I highly, highly recommend it. Incredible speakers, awesome music and just a great way just to connect and meet just a bunch of different people. So I absolutely love it and everyone should go.

How have you seen God through the mission and ministry of Adventist Young Professionals?

Scott Wallace: I've seen God through AYP through you, the incredible young adults and people of similar age range, helping out through mission trips, attending virtual small groups or just helping out through the conventions. And so many countless things like you guys are wonderful and just encourage my faith and just inspires me of how you all do it on a volunteer basis because you love God and you love others and you believe in A Y P's mission to help us young adults. So I love it.

What is your dream for the Adventist Church?

Scott Wallace: My personal dream for the Adventist Church is to be an intergenerational worship experience, whether it's like little ones, middle aged, older individuals, just to worship together. And that includes young adults just to help lead out in service, in the sermons and music, in the offering, call children's stories, whatever it is like we are the future of the church and just love to see us all more involved.

Produced with Vocal Video