Speaker: Amy Biko , Frisco, Texas
Tell us about yourself and why you chose to come to this AYP mission trip.
Amy Biko : Hi, my name is Amy Biko and I'm a seasonal young professional who's a newly special education teacher. I decided to go to the AYP mission trip because I have the heart of missions. My first mission trip was way back in 2010 and is actually with non-Adventists. When I heard about AYP and have some similar people about who are young professionals and are Adventist, I was excited to grow in the group and when I heard that they had their mission trip in Los Angeles, I wanted to go. But as a teacher at that time of year was not possible. So this time was the end of the year, I got permission to go. And now I'm here in Miami serving the Lord.
What was the most impactful moment of your mission trip and why?
Amy Biko : the mission trip? Well, to me, it was the outreach event. Uh this afternoon we were out in the Echard SDA, a community in the North Miami and we were going around the, the block around the uh church and we were distributing tracts and doing a survey and I was just so surprised at how receptive everyone was around the neighborhood. Um The businesses were just like, go away and don't come here. They're very welcoming and I'm just so in awe and how welcoming these people in Miami are.
How did this mission trip strengthen your faith?
Amy Biko : and my faith? Well, the morning devotionals really brought me back to the basics. Every morning, we connected with each other and it just reiterated things that - reiterated things that I've heard, especially how rough I had in this school year I had this year as a teacher and just hearing encouragement of my boyfriend and hearing the same scripture that he was talking and it's coming full circle, just really strengthened my faith that the Lord is really with me.
How do you plan to apply what you've learned from this mission trip in your daily life?
Amy Biko : in mission trip in my daily life? Well, like I said, in the other question, just all the scripture we're talking about trial and tribulation and one of our devotions and um one of our teammates, Tim said that our brain needs that muscle, that trial and tribulation. And like I said, in the last video, I was suffering some trials and tribulation and I was like, why me and thought that the Lord was against me. But now I realize that they're going through this trip, that trials and tribulations are normal and that if next year as a school teacher, it's going to be as rough or any trials that comes my way, it's an exercise and that the Lord is exercising my brain and making me stronger in my faith.
What's your message to someone considering whether they should come to the next AYP mission trip?
Amy Biko : What would I say to somebody who's considering going to an AYP mission trip? Do it? Follow your heart, follow the Lord. If it's burning your heart that you've never done one. This is the time to do it. It is worth the experience.