
Jennifer Dent Brown, Advanced Certification on Numbing + Buffering

September 20, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jennifer Dent Brown, Weight Loss Coach

How did this certification uplevel your coaching?

Jennifer Dent Brown: Well, to answer that question, it upleveled my coaching because I was able to see a different level of different depth in my own self-coaching. So looking at my own thoughts and realizing how much self-judgment that I was putting on myself because of my beliefs. And so when I was able to like see the compounding effects of the negative emotion and I was able to peel back the layers of my own thinking, then it was like, Well, of course, I'm buffering with social media! Of course, I am procrastinating and wasting time! A thought. So when I was able to do that for myself, and we learned that like in the very beginning of the certification, it was like eye-opening, it was amazing, it was just mind blowing. And so when I was able to see how often that I put those layers of self-judgment on myself, it was much easier for me to see it in my clients, it was much easier for me to see the same thinking and the thought patterns when I was coaching my clients and so I was able to get them to this awareness and this understanding a lot faster because I could see very clearly what was happening.

How did this certification change how you show up in your business?

Jennifer Dent Brown: I believe, one that I was able to show up in my business with much more confidence because I was able to coach myself at a level which I hadn't been able to do before. And not only just like looking at my thoughts, looking at my feelings, and looking at the resulting action, but I was able to learn how to calm my nervous system down. I was able to reconnect my logical brain with my physical body. I was able to intuitively coach at a level which I hadn't been able to do before because I was able to move myself out of my head when I was coaching and into my body. And it's interesting because now I notice that I pay much more attention to my clients' body language when I'm coaching them. And I can see just by the way that they're like positioned in the chair or whether, you know, how they're like, either, you know, going like this when I'm coaching them, what their body position is, it's very interesting that I pay more attention to that and I can see their energy just based off of their body language, even though their words, they may be saying something completely different. And I believe I was I'm able to do that now because I understand my own mind-body connection in a way which frankly, I hadn't understood before. I didn't even know it was possible.

What would you say to a coach considering this certification?

Jennifer Dent Brown: Do it! Do it. Absolutely 100% do it! So, I'm a weight loss coach. And so Advanced Certification in Numbing and Buffering is just, it was just a match. It's a compliment to what I've already, what I already know as a certified health coach and as a certified life coach. It was just the next level of information to help my clients. Because emotional eaters, that's what they do. That's who I help. They use food to numb and buffer from what they're experiencing. And so it was just a natural fit for me to go in depth in this in this area. But what I really want to convey is that when you have a deep desire to help your clients achieve their goals, when you have a deep desire to just help them get past that stuck place. Help them see that they can create a better life for themselves. When you have that deep desire, you've gotta have the courage and you've gotta have the motivation to step forward and do the work yourself first. And that's what I did. That's what I got out of the certification. It it gave me new tools. It gave me new strategies. It expanded my mindset. It expanded my brain into how we are, how we act, and how we move. It allowed me to like see deeper thoughts and deeper feelings and understanding the actions at a much deeper level for myself. And when I understood that for myself, I was able to connect that to help my clients. So if you, as a coach, again, want to help your clients and you're dedicated to helping your clients, then this is a natural path to up-level your own self, your own awareness, your own place on this Earth so you can show up and be the best coach for your clients.

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