
Anna Ho for Global Legacy Missionaries Report

April 30, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Anna Ho

In 1 minute, please tell us your name, your location, and what your mission does

Anna Ho: Hi, I'm we are And at this moment, he said, the time travelling from our mission is to the group of the judges in holistically submission so that they will go out and show all our stuff to the community or whatever, like and see the community credit and

What are some things we can celebrate in your mission work from the past year?

Anna Ho: In the past years we have seen gone over Ministry of Communism. We have signed with 24 partners around the world with 2360 churches, and I think one of the things that we're just really most excited about celebrating Michigan is that so many of those churches are what we would call something vulnerable areas in the community of some, a lot of churches and areas, for example, where there persecution we some churches and areas where the pastors of I mean No. One last for a couple of years, 23 years. We've signed a lot of new partners in areas where, um, there's just a lot of just having that opportunity to work with pastors who have been no longer training the opportunity to work in areas where they are just so absolutely desperate. I think that is just a real joy to us so that, you know, the fewer learners we still fewer churches. But these are really the churches that desperately want to be working. Yeah, Another thing that we celebrate is that the fact that, um, we have the opportunity to partner with Compassion International, and we bought, uh a few came to visit our work in Asia. They were blown away by what they have seen. God work in, uh, the communities, uh, the the the amount of, um, resources that we, um, provide We provide training. Um, we provide ideas, but mostly, uh, come from within. And God has, um, motivate them. God has inspired them to use what he already gave them already gave them and use them to the community. And God is faithful. He transformed those. So yeah, we celebrate. And most of those in the community. Some of them we have, we have We stopped working with them for many years, and yet we are still working to translate and good.

Can you tell a quick story of how a person's life has been transformed through your love and ministry in the past year?

Anna Ho: When I started the day that we did, I think that you can take that is an area traditionally had no education and didn't work. So when the Muslims didn't have sufficient money, they had sold their orders into prostitution would have the necessities to it. So they were very concerned about this. And so they all the churches were concerned about this. So they decided what they can do is to teach their Children about how businesses created cleaning products. So they gathered the women together. They taught them how to make cleaning products. They raised money. They provided them the resources they needed to make these cleaning products and as a woman. As a result, these women had their own businesses and they were able to provide for their family institutions. And the church was seen as a

What do you wish more people knew about your ministry?

Anna Ho: what we want people to know about Our ministry is that God and Willow. Um, in vision three, I was 10. I was said that God used the church to manifest his infamous system to or you. So we witness that we witness that God work out of, OK?

What motivates you to love others?

Anna Ho: OK, well, what really made us to know. And that's the reason that we and this car for like that somewhere because of God's amazing number of us, I think, is one that inspires us to really love others because we just see the incredible potential that God has got in each person. We really believe that God has called each person to have a role and will be his kingdom, whether they're the rich or or whoever they are. And so we really believe that we have a role and according to come up with attention that God has placed in every person.

What are your top prayer needs right now?

Anna Ho: for, like, protection for especially health. Our Star Trek. He uh, yeah, you would have seen this sky of health issues and stuff with cancer with chronic illness. A lot of hospitalised on staff here had to leave their position because they always died and are still recovering. So we're just really asking pray for protection of their staff. We also have lots of key positions and illness and just praying for black people. And just we have doubled in size in the last couple of years as an organisation that was in the staff. So just praying that they continue to grow and mature and because it's on the list of roles that very nice thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video