
Darrel Gabbidon - Tech Academy Student Testimonial YT

May 02, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Darrel Gabbidon, Data center operator

Why did you choose ACI Learning Tech Academy?

Darrel Gabbidon: Hey, good morning. My name is Darrell Gabbidon. I recently retired Senior Chief Petty Officer from the US Navy. Want to give my gratitude to ACI Learning in Jacksonville. Everyone over there, there are some wonderful people over there that was able to help me out in my goals. First and foremost, let me thank all you staff over there in my transitioning, you know, couldn't find any better staff to help me out in my transition. Like I did over there, I am very grateful I chose ACI Learning because, well, there was really no main reason why I chose ACI learning. It was by short by chance really. And I wanted to get into the tech community and I wanted to utilize the vet tech program that VA offered. And ACI Learning link was just so happened to be one of the contacts that was listed on the page. I reach out to more than one learning site. And ACI Learning Jacksonville was one of the first to reach back to me with some valid information and an open line of communication. So thank you guys for that. Very happy that the process is over. I thought it was very effective, you know, you know, I am able to, well, I'm currently working. Thanks to the preparations that well, not the preparation, but the execution of all the guidelines and guidance that ACI Learning in Jacksonville gave me. So definitely grateful for that. Continue to continue doing what you've been doing over there. You know, I think people coming out of the Navy getting the opportunity to start fresh in the world doing what they want to do and having that door that you guys open is very beneficial and I think a lot of people will get something out of it. I definitely did. So, you know, I will forever be grateful.

What program did you complete, and how was your experience training at ACI Learning?

Darrel Gabbidon: How was your experience? How was my experience at ACI Learning? It was a very good one. It started in August, you know, unfortunately, you know, I end up, you know, I'll end up having the COVID. So I had to put it on pause for a little bit. But, you know, the staff over there did a great job in making sure that I didn't miss anything and started back right up when, when I was good to go. So, you know, it was a little longer than I had planned instead of it finishing in October, like I wanted, I ended up finishing in December because COVID showed its face. But it's one of those things that happened, you know, the experience over there was very good. Every time I was there, I thought the staff was very professional, you know, wonderful people always have an open door policy. If I had a question, they had an answer. And I was grateful for that.

Could you tell us a little bit about your current IT role and life after training?

Darrel Gabbidon: Life after training at ACI Learning for me is very good since I was able to get the job that I wanted, being at an entry-level. You know, I, well, I guess you can consider me blessed. I consider myself blessed to have been able to get that job that I wanted in a network center. I know a lot of people, I know the, the field is very competitive. So, you know, there was points, there was time there that I think I wasn't gonna be able to do what I wanted to do, but just take something to get the experience. Didn't happen and it worked out. So I'm grateful for that.

Darrel Gabbidon: My name is Darrell Gabbidon and I am an ACI Learning graduate. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video