
Lambert Tomeldan for Accountability

April 28, 2022

Barkley CIO Lambert Tomeldan talks about adding financial transformation into its technology roadmap.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Lambert Tomeldan, SVP of Technology, Barkley

What's the catalyst for Barkley's financial transformation?

Lambert Tomeldan: Over the past few years, Barkley has undertaken a technology transformation to help support and improve our business. Being the experts in the modern consumer and the modern brand, we decided it was time to add a financial transformation as part of our technology roadmap.

What goals did you set to ensure that you selected the right ERP?

Lambert Tomeldan: In selecting a new ERP system, we had three goals in mind. Number one, eliminate data silos that have no ability to integrate with other software services. Number two, increase productivity and reduce manual tasks. Number three, provide better reporting with insights to all business divisions.

Why Accountability?

Lambert Tomeldan: In vetting many options, we decided the partnership with Accountability was the best choice for Barkley and this technology roadmap. Accountability provides the flexibility for any agency to adopt any of its agency workflows. In addition, the Accountability staff has the expertise and experience in finance and media, which we can't be any more excited about going forward!

Produced with Vocal Video