
Alynn Beyder for Women's History Month - Inspire Inclusion

March 21, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Alynn Beyder, Product Marketing Leader

Women's History Month

How do you inspire inclusion to create pathways for women to thrive at work and beyond?

Alynn Beyder: I believe that in order to inspire inclusion and create pathways for women to thrive at work and beyond, you should approach it in a multifaceted way. If you're in a leadership position, be the change that you want to see set an example by advocating for female colleagues, facilitating mentorship and networking opportunities, actively participating in and supporting diversity and inclusion programs and doing your part to address unconscious bias in the workplace. I have been fortunate to learn from many inspirational female leaders throughout my career. Many of whom took the time to simply listen to me and truly hear me. It's so important to amplify women's voices, especially in traditionally male dominated industries like tech, create a safe space for women to feel comfortable sharing their stories in the first place. Not everyone will feel comfortable speaking up in a large room, for example. So allow space for women to express themselves in their preferred communication style. If those large settings are intimidating, then as a leader take the time to meet with individuals, one on one or encourage them to submit anonymous feedback. As a start beyond the workplace, I try to act as a connector bringing women together, who share a common purpose or can help build each other up through challenging times.

Produced with Vocal Video