
Access to Care Video Testimonials

September 29, 2023

Diana has been able to see a doctor through Access to Care, which has been a valuable resource for her healthcare needs.

Video Transcript

Please introduce yourself and share your story.

Today, I wanna say thank you to doctor James Tran. Doctor M for all the, for all the are you cared for me with compassion in all the years that I lived in Chicago? I had never, never um had the best care like I have with you guys with access to care to everyone from the front desk, the reception to the nurses and my therapist. I wanna say thank you so much. Ok, I'm very grateful. I am very grateful for having Access to Care to care because I don't have insurance and I wanna thank you for saving lives and um easing the pain and creating a better future. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. And I really appreciate, I really appreciate everything and you guys are great. I can't, I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything. Um Like I said, I never had the best care never in all the years that I lived in Chicago. And I wanna say thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video