
AAOS 2024 - Young Prof Why Attend Hype

February 11, 2024

Video Transcript

The AAOS 2024 meeting is going to be February 12 to 16 in San Francisco. It is the place to be. It only happens once a year, everyone's here. All of the subspecialties are represented. You get to reconnect with some colleagues, some old mentors and meet new mentors. There's big names from all across the country that you can meet and especially if you want to do a fellowship or you're looking for a job, it's the place to do it because it's a casual environment and then they know your name, they know your face. It's very nice to be around these like- minded people that have gone through everything you've been through. It's important to keep yourself in the zeitgeist of what's going on in the orthopaedic world to know that there are different ways to do things. It's really exciting to be exposed to things you may not have seen at your own institution. ICLs are a great option for residents like myself and even new attendings where if you're always looking to be on the cutting edge of things. It's where the newest things are being presented. And so it's always a great place to learn something new. Our peer-to-peer mentoring program is where senior level fellows are mentoring, junior residents like myself. With the peer-to-peer mentoring, I hope to just meet some more people that have similar interests in mine. That might be a few years down the road from where I am in my career and then maybe get some tips and pointers honestly. I mean, it's the place to be. Where else would you be? Yeah.

Produced with Vocal Video