
AAOS 2024 - Experience Innovation in the Exhibit Hall

January 02, 2024

Video Transcript

The AAOS 2024 meeting is going to be February 12th to the 16th in San Francisco. It only happens once a year. Everyone's here. It is the pinnacle of what orthopaedic surgery is in the United States and across the world. The enormity of this meeting on its own is an appeal. Being able to rub shoulders with the thought leaders, the people who are technical masters of the surgical craft. That's a really great opportunity to be here for that. The Exhibit Hall! Oh my heavens. I think as orthopaedic surgeons, we want to do what's best for our patients. And on that floor in there is everything we need to take care of our patients. This is the world's largest orthopaedic marketplace. When I go to the Annual Meeting Exhibit Hall, I think it's a great opportunity to learn about the new technologies, seeing what's new in the marketplace for equipment, for biologics... things that you can bring your own practice. I have very subspecialty needs and there are a lot of little side booths and interesting ways that I can look at things they have to offer and turn them a little bit to use them in my field. The people who are here, the representatives from the companies are fabulous at taking you aside and showing you what you need to know. It's just a fun way to browse and kind of get a smorgasbord of what's going on in research and orthopaedics. Last year, we introduced this concept of Happy Hour in the Hall, and it really was a big success. This year, we've actually expanded it so that even the industry can have happy hour at their booths. Every year that I come to the Academy, I go home with just a little more juice than I had when I got here. If you want to come to one meeting and see everything you need to come to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. And that's why I come every year. And honestly, I mean, it's the place to be. Where else would you be?

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