
A Smile for Kids Video Testimonials

February 01, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Dingen Leip

Have you noticed any changes in your self-confidence since you completed the ASK program?

Dingen Leip: I have definitely noticed like multiple multiple changes in my self confidence. Like I now I smile like more of my teeth, it feels more natural and it just overall like my communication with other people, I don't have to be as self conscious about my teeth really. And instead I can really like embrace myself and be like super confident, I guess to myself right now.

In what ways do you feel that the ASK grade and monthly volunteer requirements have impacted your life?

Dingen Leip: So I'm not too sure what the ask grade means, but I know that this monthly volunteer requirement has like, actually helped me improve as a person too. Not just because I had to volunteer, but through these volunteer experiences, I've gone, I've gone to work with like, helping little Children out with their task and making sure they're doing the right thing and also serving meals and helping like people of all different ages. And it really makes me feel like a better person after hearing like how grateful they are for what they get. It makes me like, it elevates my gratefulness, I guess to like what I had and it, like, I feel great about it. And also like, it's nice to actually help my community out and just like, I like to help people in general and after doing these volunteer stuff, I'm like, I'm super proud of myself and how much I've been able to help others too.

Could you please share why you believe it's important for ASK to continue their work and help more kids who have a strong need for braces?

Dingen Leip: So I believe that it's super important for us to continue like helping other people with their need for braces too. Cause like there's probably so many people that could like use this opportunity of getting like their teeth straight and to really improve their self image and just their life in total in general because I'm super grateful I got the chance to be able to do this. And it's really made me feel so grateful and happy that my teeth just look so much better than they used to. And like, I feel like I've been able to do more of what I've like needed to do. Like I remember my teeth like I love playing my instruments and stuff, especially when I play my trumpet with my, especially with my teeth um being not as straight as they are now, it really made it like a lot of pressure go between my lips and like I would make some indents and all that and it really put like a little wall against like it stopped me from being able to really play to my fullest stability. But now with them like straight like this, it like feels so much more natural to have it like this. And I feel like just overall, just over time and with my teeth getting straighter, I've been able to become a better musician than I used to. And I want like, I know that there's other people that could use this as their like opportunity to improve whatever they need to as well. So like sometimes with the chance to just really change something like just your teeth being have having it so much like nicer as I have it now, it really gives other people the opportunity to enjoy life to its fullest.

Produced with Vocal Video