
Salvatore Toleno for A Pleasant Space LLC Video Testimonials

November 16, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Salvatore Toleno

Introduce yourself, and describe how Amy Lindsey has helped you or your loved one during her time as your nurse for the VA.

Salvatore Toleno: Thank you. I'm Jane to Leo and I'm Tom Tolin, say who you are. Jane's husband. I uh I have Parkinson's disease and uh you're thankful to have Amy Amy as our nurse and uh he's done a great job. Yeah, I had to spend some time in the hospital and uh she was there to help immensely and appreciate her, her care in being here and I certainly recommend her to anybody. I would need cheer. Thank you. I would like to add uh a thing. Amy was our first nurse and we didn't know what to make of her. And we presented a number of challenges that were familiar in terms of Thomas Parkinson's. But Amy relaxed into helping me as a person who is totally blind to be a forthright caregiver to do what I could to do it as I as I could and know that that was enough. That was what I could do. So she really was a blessing to me personally. And um, and then every once in a while she'd say something like, come on, Jane, you just gotta laugh, have a joke, figure out something fun. And so, uh I, I tremendously, am thankful for her and the way she related to us individually and together and thank you Amy for counting out all those pills. Thank you. Ok. Stop.

How did Amy go above and beyond for you?

Salvatore Toleno: Hello, this is a testimonial. On behalf of Amy, we've uh, appreciated her and the care she has given and certainly, uh, if we had the opportunity to have her again, we certainly wouldn't. Thank you. The one thing I will add to that is that she just stepped right up, stepped in, kept us apprised of medication levels and what they meant, made sure that we knew how to go after information. If we weren't sure about it, we appreciated her kindness price.

Would you recommend Amy's business as the best choice for someone looking for a personal care home for themselves or their loved ones? Why?

Salvatore Toleno: I would recommend Amy our, our veteran nurse. Yeah. So you guys done just a super job and you're so thankful to have her and I hope we never meet her again. But if we do, she's the person I want to go to. Thank you. I absolutely just say, Amen. That was just perfect when and if we need different situation than we have right now, we would say Amy, do you got a space for us in your current business providing care to um veterans and their families? My, my price.

Produced with Vocal Video