
Lareane N. Forgiveness Testimonial

December 05, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Lareane N.

Lareane N.: Hi, my name is Lareane Nuby and I felt a big financial burden lifted off of me once my student loans were forgiven, I have been working with Fiducius since 2017 and they have very, been very diligent about helping me stay on top of my loans and I just was ecstatic and I was just praising God and just thanking them for my student loans being forgiven and I am almost totally debt free, but it was a big relief to have that big chunk of debt just wiped out.

Lareane N.: I would tell a friend or colleague who was thinking about uh seeking services with Fiducius to absolutely, uh it is well worth the money that was invested. Like I said, they stayed on top of uh keeping me informed and letting me know what I needed to do. I was always there to answer any questions. So it is well worth every penny and more uh to invest because they are really great at following up and trying to get you the best results when it comes to student loans being forgiven.

Produced with Vocal Video