
Angula H. Forgiveness Testimonial

December 11, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Angula H., Elementary Teacher

Angula H.: My name is Angula H. I first got to hear about Fiducius through my employer. I know my employer would not forward information that would be detrimental to employees. So I contacted Fiducius right away. Their start up fee seemed reasonable compared to how much I owed. Fiducius staff were very professional and helpful in guiding me through all the steps. They were prompt in answering my questions. I received yearly reminders to turn in all paperwork by the due date. My total loan of $60,414.58 was forgiven in May of 2022 and I am debt free. My credit shot up more than 30 points. I would not have been able to achieve my financial wellness without the dedication and professionalism of the Fiducius stuff. They were exceptional in their clients support and communication. I shared my testimony with coworkers and family members. I thank God for companies like Fiducius. They have lived up to the highest standard of professionalism and accomplishment. Thank you Fiducius.

Produced with Vocal Video