
Robin Rayne - Unmet Movie Report

November 07, 2023

Video Transcript

What was your goal for the film?

Hi, everyone at the Council. I'm Robin, I produced the film Unmet and now that the film is out, I've been asked to answer a few questions. My goal for Unmet was to illuminate and educate the general public as well as legislators and officials who determine policy and budgets about the challenges families deal with daily because of the state's 15 year waitlist for Medicaid waivers. Additionally, I hoped to illustrate the frustration these families have when even when they do get approved for Medicaid waivers, they are not able to find potential direct support, staff, willing to take the jobs because of inadequate unsustainable wages. The message that I wanted to convey through the film, I hoped to set the stage for the current state of inadequacy by featuring Corey Dunn's history lesson about Lois Curtis and the Olmstead decision. I think her explanation provided the context for the stories in the film and they help legislators understand their role and where things are currently as well as broaden their minds about solutions as far as highlights that stand out from this film. I think each of the narratives in the film was a gem unto itself with emotional strength and they all worked very well together. But I especially appreciated Billy and Ursula and Melissa's comments at the end of the film because they were very raw. They were real. They were from the heart, tears and all my goal was to tell an important story both for the Council and for the disability community nationally. I'm a journalist. I am not on the Council's staff. The film had to have complete journalistic integrity. I don't know all the ins and the outs of the Council's mission. But I think from what I've seen, the film accomplished the Council's goal as far as anything else that I would like to share about the project as the film gets screened across the South, the feedback has been exceptionally positive. My goal is to tell stories that make an impact and make a difference and I'm happy with what Pam and I were able to accomplish in a very short time. I wish there was more time to explore more stories because there's so much more to tell. But I think the film sparked conversations that matter and will eventually lead to some solutions. And I think that's the whole point of the film, isn't it? So that's all from me. I wish you all a wonderful day and share the film everywhere you can. Bye.

Produced with Vocal Video