
Shaniya Kuykendall for Legacy Fellowship Program

February 09, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Shaniya Kuykendall

How did you hear about the Legacy Fellowship Program? Please be detailed.

Shaniya Kuykendall: How did I hear about the Legacy program was I had went to a job fair today downtown at the Congress Plaza Hotel and everything like that. So it was a job fair there and stuff like that. So I was talking to the two nice young ladies and everything and she told me everything about it and how to do her work and everything like that.

What does your weekly schedule currently look like? Could you fit 15-20 hours of coursework into your current weekly schedule?

Shaniya Kuykendall: My schedule is good and everything like that. So I could really fit, I really can't fit 1015 or 20 hours into my work schedule and everything like that, so I definitely could do that. I'm free almost all the time.

Do you a criminal record? Are you in need of record clearing? Have you spoken to a lawyer about record clearing?

Shaniya Kuykendall: I don't have a criminal record like that. Well, I don't have a criminal record anymore. At first I was a felony and everything like that, but it had got sponge off my record, but I still wanted to join this for sure.

Do you feel you have an understanding of the current opportunities that exist in the cannabis industry? If so, please elaborate.

Shaniya Kuykendall: I'm not gonna lie. No, I don't have no idea about the cannabis and everything. What goes on with that. That's why I'm here to learn about everything.

In Legacy, you must attend a career fair/conference and networking night. Are you willing to attend these types of events? Why or why not?

Shaniya Kuykendall: Yes, I can do it with the night and everything like that. I can work this so I can fit this into my schedule, like I said, so it was really good and I would like to, you know, move forward with this for sure.

How do you feel about your current state of physical and mental health? How do you get through times of adversity? Please explain.

Shaniya Kuykendall: How do I feel about my physical and mi and my mental health is, I feel great and everything like that. I'm straight. You know, it's nothing, you know, it's no drama. I'm not going through any life crisis and nothing like that. So I get through it every day and time is good. Like, it's really good for me.

Will childcare responsibilities affect your ability to participate in in-person event, workshops, classes etc?

Shaniya Kuykendall: No childcare responsibility would not affect me. We're working with the event and nothing like that. And plus I don't even have any Children to begin with. So everything would really be good.

What do you hope to get out of being a Legacy Fellow? What are your goals upon completing the program?

Shaniya Kuykendall: What I hope, what I hope to be getting out of this, the legacy um leader, everything like that is to become a better person, learn from the mistakes and everything like that just to get through a life and help with others and becoming a better person for sure.

How comfortable are you with using technology?

Shaniya Kuykendall: I'm really good with using technology because most of the time every day I use the technology and everything like that. So this will be really good for me now, you know how to work everything like that. So this will be, this will not be a challenge at all. I really can't work with technology.

How are you related to the south side of Chicago? Do you live in the South Side? Work on the South Side? Was arrested on the South Side?

Shaniya Kuykendall: I'm related to the south side because I'm from the south side. I grew up on the south side, so I'm from the south side and I know everything about it. So that's mostly where I be at anyways.

Produced with Vocal Video