Speaker: Asya Grigorieva
Asya Grigorieva: Thank you so much for the opportunity to use 850 loc water through the water bottle, FLFE service. I'm so grateful to have been able to experience it. I've been using FLFE water bottle for about a month and I had an unplanned break where I didn't have access to the water. And I noticed the difference immediately. First of all, the water in FLFE bottle tastes amazing. It has a sweet taste and it's just very pleasant to drink. Usually I have to flavor my water and such as by drinking tea or adding salt or electrolytes. And otherwise I'm not able to drink water and hydrate myself, but I've been able to drink plain water and hydrate myself in this way, which has been uh great for my health and just great for my taste buds. Besides the water tasting amazing and me feeling more hydrated, I feel a lot more energy. It's been easier to navigate work and life's events. And I just feel more positive and I in a better mood, I'm able to handle life's challenges more effectively. So the water has affected me on many levels and I'm still discovering ways in which it's impacting my life. So after only a month, I can tell that it's having a profound effect on my physical health with hydration, uh my skin looking better and people are commenting on that and just people are saying that I'm glowing. Um It's um having a positive effect on my energy levels as well. And emotionally, again, like I mentioned, um I'm in a more positive mood, I'm able to flow easy. I can take a, it feels like I can take a an observer point of view from events more easily. So I'm really excited about this service and I will make another review in a couple of months after I get to observe long term effects of this wonderful service. Thank you so much. I'm so grateful for this service and I can't wait to continue to utilize it.
In what way has FLFE helped you to address challenges or make changes in your life?
Asya Grigorieva: As far as making changes in my life, I've been wanting to stay hydrated by drinking plain water, which I was not able to do before the FLFE water service. As I mentioned in another audio, I do not like the taste of water, but Flfe water has uh a really nice and light, sweet taste naturally. So it makes me wanna drink it more and the water has a such a positive vibration that I just want to drink more of it. So this is having profound effects on my physical health and energetic levels.