
The ESO Sustainability Mission

April 13, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jelle Demeestere, Neurologist & Sustainability Ambassador

Jelle Demeestere: Hello, my name is Jelle Demeestere. I am a neurologist and sustainability ambassador for the European Stroke Organisation. Climate change affects all of us but especially those people and animals that are already vulnerable. The European Stroke Organisation aims to be a progressive inclusive environment and acknowledges the ecological footprint associated with scientific and networking events. We are dedicated to promote sustainability and to minimise our environmental impact. And for the upcoming 2023 conference, we have devoted a teaching course to sustainability in stroke health care.

Jelle Demeestere: We realise that travel has a considerable carbon footprint which could potentially be limited by offering hybrid solutions and allowing virtual attendance. However, ESO has also considered financial sustainability, given the higher costs associated with a hybrid conference. Friendship and collaboration which is crucial for scientific advancement, can be more effectively achieved in person. To offset its carbon footprint, ESO has donated EUR 25,000 for its last two in person conferences to "Trees for All". Thereby helping to restore the natural rainforest of Uganda, which is home to 13 different species of primates and over 300 bird species. Another donation will be made to partially offset the next ESO conference. During the 2023 conference, we invite you to support our sustainability goal by using public transportation whenever possible.

Jelle Demeestere: Besides travel, the food we consume also has a considerable climate impact. During the next ESO conference, we will work closely with local suppliers to find the most sustainable and more plant-based options for catering onsite. We also invite you to bring your own water bottle to refill at water fountains. We believe that our commitment to sustainability aligns with our core values and will set a positive example for our attendees and the broader community. Nonetheless, we realise that we can continue to improve towards a more sustainable future. We would very much appreciate your feedback, your input or any new ideas. So please get in touch with our sustainability ambassadors, Dr Antonio Ciacciarelli or myself via the ESO website.

Produced with Vocal Video