
Dena Wyatt from Specsavers - The Mental Health People Video Testimonial

March 28, 2024

Video Transcript

Speakers: Dena Wyatt, Head of Apprenticehips, Specsavers

Could you describe a time that The Mental Health People helped your business ?

Dena Wyatt: Mental health focus in a lot of our conversations that we're having with apprentices and store colleagues and managers. quite often the feedback has been that we just don't necessarily know what to say or have the confidence to have those conversations. so that's why we engaged, with Emma to have some discussions around that we've just recently engaged again because we've had a whole new team of coaches. so we've grown the team over the last year. and we want to do some more training for these colleagues. So we're looking at the mental health

What has been the most significant impact of working with The Mental Health People ?

Dena Wyatt: I think the impact was just being able to deliver something that was right for the business, right for our colleagues and right for our apprentices

What would you say to other businesses thinking of working with The Mental Health People ?

Dena Wyatt: Just reach out and have a conversation. Talk to them, be open and honest about what your needs are. Mental health is so important, but it's so different for everybody. So it's it's what's what's right for us isn't necessarily right for the businesses. So I think for me, that's what the mental health people offered. Just being able to have that really individual personalised conversations tailor, make what it is that you you're requiring for your teams and and store colleagues,

Produced with Vocal Video