
Sneak Peak : Boardwave Masterclasses on Product

January 01, 2024

four of our roster of experts give a short intro to their topic area

Video Transcript

Speakers: Online Masterclass : Product Strategy, Jonathan McKay, Serial Chair & Investor and Boardwave Chair. Masterclass: Achieving your product market fit eureka moment, Anastasia Leng, Founder, CreativeX. Episode: Customer success with your products, SUE GOBLE, EX-CHIEF CUSTOMER OFFICER, SAGE

Online Masterclass : Products strategy to reality: Solving your customer's biggest pain points, building defensibility, building differentiation and generating free cash flow. That's what product strategy is all about. So I really hope to see you in these sessions. I think you're gonna contribute a lot and I think you're gonna learn a lot as well. See you there.

Online Masterclass : Product Strategy: I think your product strategy is going to be the defining success factor in your business at whatever stage it is at the moment. And I'd really encourage you to come along to these master class sessions and tune in. We've got a great group of people. I have been hugely impressed by my fellow presenters on this master class thread. I think you really enjoy it and I think you'll really benefit from it.

Masterclass: Achieving your product market fit eureka moment: One of the very few comforting things about being a founder is that there probably isn't a challenge or a problem that someone else hasn't at some point encountered as well. And my approach to solving these problems when I encounter them is to go to things like this and learn from other people who are a little bit further along, who dealt with the problem and who could talk openly about it. So, thank you for being interested in learning more about product market fit and I don't promise to get you the answers. I'm hoping you'll at least come out with a couple of ideas. You could try to get to your own product market fit eureka moment.

Episode: Customer success with your products: This Boardwave Masterclass will focus on how to build a customer success program for your company and why this matters so much in a subscription business. We're going to take a look at the financial dynamics of subscription and the importance of retention.

Produced with Vocal Video