
Yi Ting (Kayla) Lien, PhD | ACCP Early-stage Professional Interview

January 10, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Yi Ting (Kayla) Lien, PhD, Senior Scientist, Genentech Inc

Who or what was most influential to you in selecting your career path?

Yi Ting (Kayla) Lien, PhD: Hi everyone, my name is Yi Ting (Kayla) Lien and I am very honored to be invited by ACCP to do this interview. A little bit about myself. I am an Early-stage Professional who's currently working as a Senior Scientist in the Clinical Pharmacology Department under the Modeling & Simulation Group in Genentech, which is a member of the Roche Group. I am also a proud member of the A C C P STEP Committee. To answer the first question who or what was most influential to me in selecting my career path for me. I really want to say it's not one person but rather a group of Mentors that have helped me along the way to get me to to where I am in terms of my career path. My academic mentors or peers or even my like internship or work mentors. They all have come to help me in different ways to influence me to where I am today.

Looking back, would you have done something different in your career?

Yi Ting (Kayla) Lien, PhD: No, I wouldn't change anything because every step that I've taken so far has either taught me something new or lessons or that it has opened up new doors and new opportunities. So I wouldn't change anything different in terms of what I would have done in my career. But also to that I think if I really have to change something that would be prior to not be to be less shy and also to know when or stand up to ask questions or when to know to seek help or to be able to ask for help and know when that is necessary.

What do you envision to achieve in the next 5 to 10 years?

Yi Ting (Kayla) Lien, PhD: I am hoping to give back both scientifically and professionally to the field. Specifically, I hope to achieve to become a scientific thought leader over the next 5 to 10 years and be able to contribute to the field by scientific insight from my end. In terms of professionally or career development wise, I am hoping to be an effective leader who's able to mentor the future leaders such as like Trainees and Early-stage Professionals to help them to achieve what they would like to achieve in their career goals.

What do you do in your free time and how do you strike work-life balance?

Yi Ting (Kayla) Lien, PhD: Well, I like to hike, do yoga or just do new workouts like heat or dance or anything that gets my body moving. To have fun in the free time. And in order to strike the work-life balance is very simple. Just turn off the work phone or not bring your work phone when you're doing something fun. Just to strike. But all jokes aside, I think one way to really make it work with that balance there is to schedule in the fun things that you want to do the yoga or like the hike and things like that into your calendar, into your schedule and then during the time you really just do it and you focus on doing, say that hour of yoga and not look at your phone to check emails in between the breaks or things like that. So I think that's really what helps me to strike that work-life balance. With that once again, thank you ACCP for the invitation and thanks to you who took the time out to watch this video. Okay, bye.

Produced with Vocal Video