
Meagan Hill

February 21, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Meagan Hill

Meagan Hill: Hi, Megan Hill. Here I am a US Air Force retired veteran. Having served 20 years, uh, 16 of those years. I was an intelligence analyst and four of those years. I was a professional military education instructor.

Meagan Hill: Some of the best character traits that I developed from serving is undoubtedly the ability to really manage my time and prioritize and delegate too honestly. Because when you have so many things coming at you at once and you've got to get it all done, you got to figure out, you know, what comes first, what's, what's high priority, what can you put on the back burner and what you can delegate. And I think really understanding this and grasping, this is huge and is key to being successful in any business uh that you might find yourself in.

Meagan Hill: So after I retired, I got a job right, because got to pay the bills. Um but I'm quickly learning that I want the freedom to be my own boss right after 20 years of serving, I'm sick of being told, you know, what to do, how to do it, where to be, uh you know, how many hours to work from where I should work. Um I, I want the freedom and the flexibility um to, to do what I want to do, to work on my own schedule um to work the hours that I want to work, to work from wherever I want to work honestly, to work smarter, not harder. Um I want more time with my family. I want to vacation more. I want to travel more, you know, quite frankly, I'm just, I'm sick of trading time for money. I'm sick of being tied to a time clock, you know, a punch clock where you have to put in an eight hour day. Um If I can do the work and get the job done and, you know, get the mission executed in four hours, why do I need to sit at my desk? For another four hours. Right? Um So I I'm ready to start working, like I said, smarter not harder. Um I'm ready to have more freedom. Um, in my schedule in my life, I want to travel more. I'm ready to be with my kids more, be present more. Um And so the decision to join Legal Shield was, was super easy, you know, it's a, it's a great service, it's a great company. Um that provides awesome services to people who may not otherwise be able to afford, you know, a lawyer. Um, and then the identity theft protection stuff, the, the what they cover and the amount of, uh, accounts that you can have monitored and, you know, as well as, you know, be alerted when a sex offender moves into your neighborhood. Um It just, it's an awesome plan and it's an awesome package and I'm just, I'm super excited to be a part of it.

Meagan Hill: So the reason I'm super excited to help my fellow brothers and sisters in arms pursue their goals towards financial freedom is the same reason that I joined the Air Force. 20 years ago, I wanted to do something that mattered. I wanted to make an impact in this world. You know, when I'm on my deathbed and how for many years from now I want to look back and feel like I made a difference. I don't want to have any regrets. I want to feel like I was fully present with my family that I got to travel. And if I can help other people achieve maybe the same exact dream that I'm super excited to help others make that impact and have that freedom that they want on their lives as well.

Meagan Hill: When I'm not working, I love spending time with my family as you might have already guessed, um, traveling, seeing the world or just, you know, hanging out and playing with the kids and the dogs. Um, I also love to crochet. I love to read, I love to cook and I love working out. Those are my, pretty much my go to hobbies.

Produced with Vocal Video