
Cherokee Robinson

February 21, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Cherokee Robinson

Cherokee Robinson : Hi, everyone. My name is Cherokee Robinson. I served in the army for a little over two years before I got medically discharged. I was a part of the communications team as a 25 uniform signal support system specialist. Um, I served and got out due to a medical uh reason my hips started popping out of place and stuff like that and dislocating pretty randomly, couldn't really figure out what was wrong with it. So we ended up just going with a medical discharge with that. But, um, proud to have served, loved my time in the service with the army and I'm now working at Legal Shield, which I really, really love. I'm doing that as kind of a side business at the moment. Hoping to turn that into full time. I'm a mom of two sweet little boys and I'm married to a current active duty military mechanic. And, uh, this business has really just changed our lives. It's nice having extra money in the pocket for the family uh for whatever we need it for.

Cherokee Robinson : I definitely say some of the best things, qualities as a person. And that helped my character as a person that I learned from the military was being a part of a team. Always being on time for sure. Um, just always working and having a reason why to push yourself, uh, never giving up for is a really, really big thing. Um, you know, no matter what, just resiliency is probably the best thing that I learned from the military. It's, it's helped me a lot in life.

Cherokee Robinson : A little bit about the reasons why I joined the Legal Shield is mainly just because I want financial freedom. And I don't just mean being able to pay my bills and get groceries. Uh you know, it's more about creating memories with my Children and creating a legacy for them, creating generational wealth. And I just kind of felt like with the path I'm on, although I'm generally successful, it's still kind of paycheck to paycheck with the way the economy is going right now. And I really just want different for my Children. I wanna be able to, to take them on a weekend vacation without breaking the bank. And I wanna be able to own some land and a home that I can give to them and pass down to them and their Children and their children's Children, you know. Um that's, that's a really big goal for me and I kind of stumbled upon legal shield. And even though I'm still fairly new in the business, it's, it's already helped us in tremendous ways, just the small amount that I have done with the extra free time that I've had. So it'd be really great to push this into full time and I think anybody can do it as long as you have resiliency and put your mind to that and always think about your why.

Cherokee Robinson : It's extremely important to me to help my military brethren and sisters, um, to find financial freedom to find anything to meet their goals, really, uh, whatever the reasoning may be, I'd love to be a part of helping you guys do that. Uh, you know, we all signed that dotted line. We all gave a piece of ourselves to the military to fight and protect other people and other families, including our own. Um, so it would just be really, really cool to be a part of the reason why another fellow veteran gets to meet those goals for themselves, gets to get financial freedom, gets to make sure that their bills are paid, um, gets to spend more time with their kids. Whatever the reason may be, it would just be an amazing feeling to get to help you with that.

Cherokee Robinson : When I'm not working, I just love to spend time with my family and my, my kiddos, my dogs, my husband and we have about an acre of land out here in Te Texas, Killeen, Texas by the base. And we just like to, you know, um, grow a garden, let our dogs run around, run wild. Uh, let the kids play outside, take them to the dog park where we can let the dogs run wild while I let the kids play on the slide or, you know, just make really cool memories and, um, a couple of hobbies and interests we have, uh, as a family is just pretty much anything outdoorsy related. Uh, me personally, I really love to read on some of my free time when my kiddos are napping and stuff like that. And it's, it's become a lot more of something that we're able to do with me working a little bit less on my previous job because I'm able to do that at home with legal shield. So it's pretty cool. It's pretty cool feeling.

Produced with Vocal Video